I'm a newbie to SPlunk REX trying to do some dashboards and need help in extracting fields of a particular variable
i read old articles in SPlunk old questions but couldn't figured it out..
Here in my case i want to extract only KB_List":"KB000119050,KB000119026,KB000119036" values to a column
Expected output: as a table
i have tried:
| `rex field=_raw "KB_List\":\"(?<KB_List>[^\"])\""`
Message Snippet below:
Try ... | rex "KB_List":"(?<KB_Listed>[^"]+)"
Error in 'SearchParser': Mismatched ']'. @richgalloway
escape "
try :
| rex "KB_List\":\"(?<KB_Listed>[^\"]+)" | table KB_Listed
@mayurr98 returning none ...
| rex "KB_List\":\"(?[^\"]+)" | table KB_list
@mayurr98 | rex "KB_List\":\"(?[^\"]+)" | table KB_Listed this worked..thanks a ton
try this:
.. | rex "KB_List\":\"(?<KB_Listed>[^\"]+)" | table KB_Listed
you are not putting the extracted value in the field. Copy the above query and run as it is.
tried this also rex "KB_List":"(?[^\"]+)" | table KB
but no use