Hi all we have list of 10 Solaris servers and they are us servers we installed ufs on those servers and are pointing us deployment servers .In deployment client.conf file .Since we have search when I ran that search it is showing that it is phoning home with Uk Deployment server any Help with query ? I believe there is something wrong with Query .Please correct query if any changes need ?Help highly appreciated ?
Query -
| `get_coverage(baseline="isac_systems", feed="kpci_8100_solaris")` | eval Coverage = if('Full Coverage'=="Yes" OR 'Partial Coverage'=="Yes","Yes","No")|search "Full Coverage"="*" "Partial Coverage"="*" "Calculated Region"="*" "Phoning Home"="Yes" "Whitelisted"="*" Coverage=No "Operational Environment (Sys)"="PROD" OR "Operational Environment (Sys)"="DISASTERREC" | table "System Name" "Application" "Solution" "Calculated Asset Group" "Calculated Asset Type" "Calculated Lifecycle Status" "Lifecycle Phase" "OS Type" "OS" "Calculated Region" "Operational Environment (Sys)" "Server Zone" Component Function "Data Source Count" "Data Sources" "Full Coverage" "Partial Coverage" "Whitelisted" "Phoning Home" "Last Phone Home Time" "IMD" deployment_server |rename deployment_server as "Phoning Home Deployment Server" | fields - "." | lookup imd_splunkds_mapping IMD Country_Code AS "Calculated Region" | rename Calculated_DS as "IMD Calculated Deployment Server"
hello there,
please check out this answer:
hope it helps
Thanks Adonio .It doesn't help 🙂
@splunker969 can you edit your post to add the code using Code button on Splunk Answers
i.e. 101010
or Shortcut key Ctrl+K
, so that special characters do not escape?
Thanks Niketnaily added .
Any help ? @ somesoni2