Hi Team,
I have several fields which values are array. For example,
event1: ktf2="[Background_Criteria,Profile_Criteria]"
event2: ktf2="[Background_Criteria,Profile_Criteria, keyword]"
event3: ktf2="[Rating_Criteria]"
Question: How to stats based on the each element of ktf2 value??
My Expected Stats Result is:
Criteria, Count
Background_Criteria, 2
Profile_Criteria, 2
keyword, 1
Rating_Criteria, 1
The stats
command is multi-value
friendly as-is so just do this:
... | stats count BY ktf2
Now, assuming that the arrays are exactly as you posted and not already multi-valued
fields, you can do this:
| makeresults
| eval ktf2="[Background_Criteria,Profile_Criteria] [Background_Criteria,Profile_Criteria,keyword] [Rating_Criteria]"
| makemv ktf2
| mvexpand ktf2
| rename COMMENT AS "Everything above generates sample event data; everything below is your solution"
| rex field=ktf2 mode=sed "s/[\[\]]//g"
| eval ktf2=split(ktf2, ",")
| stats count BY ktf2
The stats
command is multi-value
friendly as-is so just do this:
... | stats count BY ktf2
Now, assuming that the arrays are exactly as you posted and not already multi-valued
fields, you can do this:
| makeresults
| eval ktf2="[Background_Criteria,Profile_Criteria] [Background_Criteria,Profile_Criteria,keyword] [Rating_Criteria]"
| makemv ktf2
| mvexpand ktf2
| rename COMMENT AS "Everything above generates sample event data; everything below is your solution"
| rex field=ktf2 mode=sed "s/[\[\]]//g"
| eval ktf2=split(ktf2, ",")
| stats count BY ktf2