Hi Splunker beginner here.
I'm having an issue in forming the search syntax for comparing the biggest amount of client logs deleted accidentally on a current day as opposed to the average of the previous month. I'm here at the moment source="deleted.xml" earliest=-d ACCIDENTAL_DELETES > ...
The pseudo search would be like this
source="deleted.xml" earliest=@d ACCIDENTAL_DELETES > ...
| stats count by client_indentifier_field
| where count>[search source="deleted.xml" earliest=-1mon@m latest=@mon ACCIDENTAL_DELETES > .. | query to calculate last month's average | table average | rename average as query]
The pseudo search would be like this
source="deleted.xml" earliest=@d ACCIDENTAL_DELETES > ...
| stats count by client_indentifier_field
| where count>[search source="deleted.xml" earliest=-1mon@m latest=@mon ACCIDENTAL_DELETES > .. | query to calculate last month's average | table average | rename average as query]
With some additional play around with the syntax I managed to solve it. Thanks.
To be more specific I'm searching for all the amounts of accidental deletes on the current day that supersedes the avg for the previous month.