Splunk Search

Search usage of Indexes

Path Finder

Hi there

im currently at a search to get the usage of Indexes, so i have an overview which indexes gets used in searches and which indexes doesnt so i can speak with the usecase owner if the data is still needed and why it doesnt get used.

Thats the current state of the search:


| rest "/services/data/indexes"
| table title totalEventCount frozenTimePeriodInSecs
| dedup title
| append 
    [search index=_audit sourcetype="audittrail" search_id="*" action=search earliest=-24h latest=now

``` Regex Extraction ```
| rex field=search max_match=0 "index\=\s*\"?(?<used_index>\S+)\"?"
| rex field=search max_match=0 "\`(?<used_macro>\S+)\`"
| rex field=search max_match=0 "eventtype\=\s*(?<used_evttype>\S+)"

``` Eventtype resolving ```
| mvexpand used_evttype
| join type=left used_evttype 
    [| rest "/services/saved/eventtypes"
| table title search
    | stats values(search) as search by title
| rename search as resolved_eventtype, title as used_evttype]
| rex field=resolved_eventtype max_match=0 "eventtype\=\s*(?<nested_eventtype>\S+)"
| mvexpand nested_eventtype
| join type=left nested_eventtype 
    [| rest "/services/saved/eventtypes"
| table title search
| stats values(search) as search by title
| rename search as resolved_nested_eventtype, title as nested_eventtype]

``` Macro resolving ```
| mvexpand used_macro
| join type=left used_macro 
    [| rest "/servicesNS/-/-/admin/macros" count=0
| table title definition
| stats values(definition) as definition by title
| rename definition as resolved_macro, title as used_macro]
| rex field=resolved_macro max_match=0 "\`(?<nested_macro>[^\`]+)\`"
| mvexpand nested_macro
| join type=left nested_macro 
    [| rest "/servicesNS/-/-/admin/macros" count=0
| table title definition
| stats values(definition) as definition by title
| rename definition as resolved_nested_macro, title as nested_macro]
| where like(resolved_nested_macro,"%index=%") OR isnull(resolved_nested_macro)

``` merge resolved stuff into one field ```
| foreach used* nested* 
    [eval datasrc=mvdedup(if(<<FIELD>>!="",mvappend(datasrc, "<<FIELD>>"),datasrc))]
| eval datasrc=mvfilter(!match(datasrc, "usedData"))
| eval usedData = mvappend(used_index, if(!isnull(resolved_nested_eventtype),resolved_nested_eventtype, resolved_eventtype), if(!isnull(resolved_nested_macro),resolved_nested_macro, resolved_macro))
| eval usedData = mvdedup(usedData)
| table app user action info search_id usedData datasrc
| mvexpand usedData
| eval usedData=replace(usedData, "\)","")
| where !like(usedData, "`%`") AND !isnull(usedData)
| rex field=usedData "index\=\s*\"?(?<usedData>[^\s\"]+)\"?"
| eval usedData=replace(usedData, "\"","")
| eval usedData=replace(usedData,"'","")
| stats count by usedData


 The search first gets the indexes via | rest with its eventcount and retentiontime.
Then audittrail data gets appended and used Indexes, Macros and Eventtypes gets extracted from the searchstring and resolved (since some apps uses nested eventtypes/macros in my environment they get resolved twice). Still needs some sanitizing of the extracted used-indexes.

that gives me a table like this (limited the table to splunkinternal indexes as example)


But i didnt managed to merge the rows together so that i have count=1039 for _audit plus the 22309 from searches that uses all internal indexes  in one row for each index.

Labels (1)
Tags (3)
0 Karma
1 Solution


You can generally get there with SPL, e.g. here's a bit of a hack, which has a stab at it based on your data example

| makeresults format=csv data="title,totalEventCount,frozenTimePeriodInSecs,count,usedData
_audit,771404957,188697600, , 
_configtracker,717,2592000, , 
_dsappevent,240,5184000, , 
_dsclient,232,5184000, , 
_dsphonehome,843820,604800, , 
_internal,7039169453,15552000, , 
_introspection,39100728,1209600, , 
_telemetry,55990,63072000, , 
_thefishbucket,0,2419200, , 
 , , ,22309,_*
 , , ,1039,_audit
 , , ,2,_configtracker
 , , ,1340,_dsappevent
 , , ,1017,_dsclient
 , , ,1,_dsclient]
 , , ,709,_dsphonehome
 , , ,2089,_internal
 , , ,117,_introspection
 , , ,2,_metrics
 , , ,2,_metrics_rollup
 , , ,2,_telemetry
 , , ,2,_thefishbucket"
| eval title=coalesce(title, usedData)
| fields - usedData
| stats values(*) as * by title
| eventstats values(eval(if(match(title, "\*"), title."##".title."##".count, null()))) as wildcard_indexes
| eval wildcard_indexes=mvmap(wildcard_indexes, replace(wildcard_indexes, "\*(.*##)?", ".*\1"))
| eval count=count+sum(mvmap(wildcard_indexes, if(match(title, mvindex(split(wildcard_indexes, "##"), 0)) AND title!=mvindex(split(wildcard_indexes, "##"), 1), mvindex(split(wildcard_indexes, "##"), 2), 0)))
| fields - wildcard_indexes

View solution in original post


You can't replace docs and management with tools.

[ | makeresults annotate=f
| eval t1="ind", t2="ex", t3=t1.t2
| eval {t3}="_internal"
| table *
| fields - t1 t2 t3 _time ]
| stats count by index


0 Karma

Path Finder

What do you mean with that?
i didnt meant to ask my question in a way that i would want to replace docs and management with tools.

0 Karma


That was just a friendly reminder that while "tools" like yours can find some typical cases there might be a lot of them which you might miss with them. As long as you are aware of it and you're using it only as means of a quick help, that's fine and dandy. But there are often questions around here "how to find all XXX defined/used by ...". For which the usual answer is - there is no 100% sure way to do so.

0 Karma


You can do this at the end

| eval title=coalesce(title, usedData)
| fields - usedData
| stats values(*) as * by title

Note that you seem to pull in a bunch of macros that do not contain any index searches

0 Karma

Path Finder

Sorry i probably didnt expressed myself well.

i want that wildcards gets taken into account.

So based from the table i posted as example i would want results like this

_audit77140495718869760023348  (_audit + _*)
_configtracker717259200022311 (_configtracker + _*)
_internal70391694531555200024098 (_internal + _*)
0 Karma


You can generally get there with SPL, e.g. here's a bit of a hack, which has a stab at it based on your data example

| makeresults format=csv data="title,totalEventCount,frozenTimePeriodInSecs,count,usedData
_audit,771404957,188697600, , 
_configtracker,717,2592000, , 
_dsappevent,240,5184000, , 
_dsclient,232,5184000, , 
_dsphonehome,843820,604800, , 
_internal,7039169453,15552000, , 
_introspection,39100728,1209600, , 
_telemetry,55990,63072000, , 
_thefishbucket,0,2419200, , 
 , , ,22309,_*
 , , ,1039,_audit
 , , ,2,_configtracker
 , , ,1340,_dsappevent
 , , ,1017,_dsclient
 , , ,1,_dsclient]
 , , ,709,_dsphonehome
 , , ,2089,_internal
 , , ,117,_introspection
 , , ,2,_metrics
 , , ,2,_metrics_rollup
 , , ,2,_telemetry
 , , ,2,_thefishbucket"
| eval title=coalesce(title, usedData)
| fields - usedData
| stats values(*) as * by title
| eventstats values(eval(if(match(title, "\*"), title."##".title."##".count, null()))) as wildcard_indexes
| eval wildcard_indexes=mvmap(wildcard_indexes, replace(wildcard_indexes, "\*(.*##)?", ".*\1"))
| eval count=count+sum(mvmap(wildcard_indexes, if(match(title, mvindex(split(wildcard_indexes, "##"), 0)) AND title!=mvindex(split(wildcard_indexes, "##"), 1), mvindex(split(wildcard_indexes, "##"), 2), 0)))
| fields - wildcard_indexes

Path Finder

This is the SPL Magic i was missing 🙂
Now i can have a basic understanding which indexes might be searched less frequently than others

0 Karma
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