I did this a few weeks ago and now I can't seem figure out how I did it.
I need a report listing all UFs, with their version of splunk UF as well as specific OS version.
Searched all over here and couldn't find it.
Hi @tsheets13,
did you explored the Monitoring Console?
at [Settings -- Monitoring Console -- Forwarders -- Forwarders Deployment].
Otherwise you could deploy TA_Windows and TA_nix on servers and in each of these Technical-Addons there a script that extract the os version and you can use this info.
Hi @tsheets13,
did you explored the Monitoring Console?
at [Settings -- Monitoring Console -- Forwarders -- Forwarders Deployment].
Otherwise you could deploy TA_Windows and TA_nix on servers and in each of these Technical-Addons there a script that extract the os version and you can use this info.
The windows and nix TA's are installed. Just not sure how to form the report.
Hi @tsheets13,
you have to enable the scripts:
[WinHostMon://OperatingSystem] on TA_Windows
[script://./bin/hardware.sh] on TA_nix
and then search something like this:
for windows:
index=windows sourcetype=WinHostMon Type=OperatingSystem
| dedup host
| sort host
| table OS Version ServicePack BuildNumber SerialNumber InstallDate LastBootUpTime
| evalInstallDate=strftime(strptime(InstallDate,"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"),"%d/%m/%Y %H.%M.%S"),LastBootUpTime=strftime(strptime(LastBootUpTime,"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"),"%d/%m/%Y %H.%M.%S")
and for linux
index=os sourcetype=Unix:Version
| dedup host
| table os_name os_release os_version machine_architecture_name
| rename os_name AS "Operative System" os_release AS Release os_version AS Version machine_architecture_name AS Architecture
or if you want only one search
(index=windows sourcetype=WinHostMon Type=OperatingSystem) OR (index=os sourcetype=Unix:Version)
| dedup host
| sort host
| ...
Those two searches are exactly what I was looking for. Thanks
Hi @tsheets13,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking.
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the Contributors 😉