I try to create stats to have all countries and cities that communicate with my servers.
I made this search:
sourcetype="syslog" deviceVendor="Apache" | iplocation ipVisitor | eval City= if(isnull(City) OR City="", "Unknown_City", City) | stats values(City) AS CityName, count by Country | sort - count
It give me in the first column the Country, then in the second column all cities in this country and in the last third column the total count.
I would like to have such thing instead:
Country name | Cities Name (count) | Total Count
United States | New York (5) | 10
| Boston (3) |
| Washington (2) |
France | Paris (10) | 12
| Marseille (2) | 2
I don't know how to do that to append the "(nbr)" to the City name
Here you go
sourcetype="syslog" deviceVendor="Apache" | iplocation ipVisitor | eval City= if(isnull(City) OR City="", "Unknown_City", City) | stats count by Country,City | eval City=City."(".count.")" | stats values(City) as CityName, sum(count) as "Total Count" by Country
Here you go
sourcetype="syslog" deviceVendor="Apache" | iplocation ipVisitor | eval City= if(isnull(City) OR City="", "Unknown_City", City) | stats count by Country,City | eval City=City."(".count.")" | stats values(City) as CityName, sum(count) as "Total Count" by Country
Exactly that I need!
Many thanks!!!!
You mean using multikv?
i propose you to make multi-values fields for City and count. look how to use multi-values in search reference manual page 258