I am trying to omit search results for a field that might have a couple of different values.
any ideas how to best do this? Is EVAL or LIKE the way to go?
Here's some sample data:
computerdisconnected="[bob sbr] [tube tue]"
computerdisconnected="[tube tue]"
If the computerdisconnected contains any values like "bob or "Tube" then don't return any results.
In other words I am getting regular reminders that these machines are disconnected, I only want NEW results so I want to keep a list of repeat offenders and ignore them.
Thanks in advance
Do all the potential values for computerdisconnected
get formatted like that? If so, this might work:
your base search NOT "[bob*" OR "[tube*"
So that's literally whatever you're searching for right now followed immediately by NOT "[bob*" OR "[tube*"
. The opening square brackets matter, I believe.
Do all the potential values for computerdisconnected
get formatted like that? If so, this might work:
your base search NOT "[bob*" OR "[tube*"
So that's literally whatever you're searching for right now followed immediately by NOT "[bob*" OR "[tube*"
. The opening square brackets matter, I believe.
And if my list continues to grow, just keep adding OR statements? OR " " OR "" OR "" ? I can do do this, just thought there was a cleaner way, like anything
LIKE or IN ("bob*,"tube*", "next*")
If your list is going to grow, you'd be very smart to follow @niketnilay's advice and set up a lookup table. His search structure will handle the formatting, too.
Agree with @elliotproebstel and to add on I would move such patterns to lookup file
<YourBaseSearch> NOT
[| inputookup <yourLookupFileName>.csv
| eval <yourLookupFiledName>="*".<yourLookupFiledName>."*"
| rename <yourLookupFiledName> as search]
| <yourRemainingSearch>
Following is a sample search based on the data that you have provided (PS: makeresults
used instead of inputlookup to mock up the terms to be filtered from search.
<YourBaseSearch> NOT
[| makeresults
| eval lookupData="bob,tube"
| makemv lookupData delim=","
| mvexpand lookupData
| eval lookupData="*".lookupData."*"
| rename lookupData as search]
| <yourRemainingSearch>