Sort of. When you run a search, there's a field called _bkt that gets populated with the bucket's directory name. You'd first have to get the time endpoints for the search from the buckets themselves. The first 10-digit number in a bucket's directory name is the "latestTime" in epoch, and the second 10-digit number is the earliestTime epoch. Take the max and min of those respectively to determine your overall range for the range of buckets. Next, search over a custom time range (you should be able to enter an epoch time in the time picker), then rename _bkt to something without a leading (e.g. "bucket") , and then you should be able to stats count by bucket
, or other search-y things like that.
Sort of. When you run a search, there's a field called _bkt that gets populated with the bucket's directory name. You'd first have to get the time endpoints for the search from the buckets themselves. The first 10-digit number in a bucket's directory name is the "latestTime" in epoch, and the second 10-digit number is the earliestTime epoch. Take the max and min of those respectively to determine your overall range for the range of buckets. Next, search over a custom time range (you should be able to enter an epoch time in the time picker), then rename _bkt to something without a leading (e.g. "bucket") , and then you should be able to stats count by bucket
, or other search-y things like that.
Thank you.