My scripted input is configured to poll a particular resource and index into an event the JSON object that it receives as response. The JSON object is of the form :
"resource_name": "rName",
"statistic_1": "value_1",
"statistic_2": "value_2",
"statistic_n": "value_n"
The script can be configured to poll different resources and therefore I have indexed many such responses objectss potential corresponding to different resources.
I would need some help in parametrizeze the search query so that I can visualize statistics coresponding to only a particular resource .
Currently I'm using somethin like :
source="MyScript" | timechart span=1m avg(json_response.statistic_1) as statistic_1
, but this takes everything into consideration and I want that only those events (Json objects) that are relevant for a particular resource to be taken into consideration when plotting the series
something like :
source="MyScript" | json_response.resource_name = "a_resource"| timechart span=1m avg(json_response.statistic_1) as statistic_1
Try it without the first pipe. All clauses after the first take the form "command parameters...", but your initial search can have compound conditions.
Try it without the first pipe. All clauses after the first take the form "command parameters...", but your initial search can have compound conditions.