rex field=title "(?titleNEW(.*?)(?:-))"
I have this rex command above but it still outputs the dash at the end which is in a non-capturing group- any help?
Figured this out - by changing where the new field name paranthesie was...
rex field=title "(?<titleNEW>(.*?))(?:-)"
Figured this out - by changing where the new field name paranthesie was...
rex field=title "(?<titleNEW>(.*?))(?:-)"
Not sure if you have an optimal regex. Why do you make a non capturing group of "-" and why a capture group in the named group? This is some better:
rex field=title "(?<titleNEW>.*?):-"
Even better, do not use * in regex when its not needed. Do a search until you find some that its not included, like this:
rex field=title "(?<titleNEW>[^-]+)"