Hi i currently have the following line in my search that search for system.net.webclient:
|rex max_match=0 "(?<module>(system.net.webclient))"
May i know how do i amend this to search for any syntax that match system.xxx.xxx so it work for all the module?
check this
| makeresults
| eval test= "system.com.testclient"
| rex field=test max_match=0 "(?<module>(system\.\w+\.\w+))"
Try |rex max_match=0 "(?<module>system\.[^\.]+\.\S+)"
This actually works better if the data was more organize; sadly my data was not and it capture too many noise
check this
| makeresults
| eval test= "system.com.testclient"
| rex field=test max_match=0 "(?<module>(system\.\w+\.\w+))"