I want to make a search that will return a count of session_id based on the following fields
logged_out, logged_in
I want a count of how many sessions have an event with the logged_in field existing & the logged_out field not existing, this way I can tell exactly how many sessions are currently online.
How would I compare based on a field not existing, I tried isnull() and it didn't work as needed.
@ialahdal You can do something like below.
<your search query> | stats count(eval(ISNOTNULL(logged_in))) as in_count , count(eval(ISNOTNULL(logged_out)) as out_count by SessionID| where in_count > out_count
@ialahdal You can do something like below.
<your search query> | stats count(eval(ISNOTNULL(logged_in))) as in_count , count(eval(ISNOTNULL(logged_out)) as out_count by SessionID| where in_count > out_count
Thanks to you and @kamlesh_vaghela, I think isnull is making values null, using isnotnull like you mentioned did get me to the results I needed eventually.
YOUR_SEARCH | eval flag=if(logged_in=="Yes" AND isnull(logged_out),1,0)
| stats sum(flag)
| makeresults
| eval logged_in="Yes",logged_out="Yes"
| append
[| makeresults
| eval logged_in="Yes"]
| eval flag=if(logged_in=="Yes" AND isnull(logged_out),1,0)
| stats sum(flag)
Something like if logged_in="yes" & nonexist(logged_out) return true
count true by session_id