Hi All,
We have 7 indexers and they are in a cluster. Our hot and warm buckets are stored inside the local storage of the Indexers ($Splunk_Home/var/lib/splunk) and our colddb is in a NAS storage drive, mounted on our Indexers (volume:drive/index/colddb).
Recently, due to a strange issue, the data inside the colddb went missing for 2 Indexes. We can't find it on the NAS drive as well. Fortunately, our NAS drives are backed up by our backup team. So we have a copy of that data and want it back on our mounted NAS drive and Splunk to search it again, with the same old dates and times, like it was always there.
Can anyone suggest how can we do it? Do we have to reindex all the data (It's huge and the data is from January 2019 to October 2019) or will restoring the data back to the NAS drive will suffice?
Any suggestions and solutions are highly welcomed and appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Just copy it back and restart the Cluster Master
and rolling restart the Indexers.
Just copy it back and restart the Cluster Master
and rolling restart the Indexers.
Hello Gregg. Thank you for the suggestion. We have begun the process of restoring the data. Will update again once it's done, along with the rolling restart.