Hi guys
I'm trying to run a search to the /jobs endpoint. however I get a
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
error message.
my search has quotes in it for a | rex command and I tried escaping the quotes with the \ but is till seem to get the issue. when using the \ I get a
<msg type="ERROR">Unparsable URI-encoded request data</msg>
My search is structured as follows:
| tstats summariesonly=1 values(<values>) ....(there are a lot of these) from datamodel=<name> WHERE (some values for the previous section) | lookup <lookup> | rex field=<name> "(?<new field name>[^.]{9}$)" ...
there are about 4 lookups in total and 2 rex command. however when i try to escape in the rex command I get the Unparsebale URI error.
Anybody come across this error before?
Parenthesis are special characters in bash. You can escape with \
| rex field=<name> "\(?<new field name>[^.]{9}$\)" ...
Or encapsulate the entire SPL with single quote '
The "bash:" portion of the error message indicates this is a shell problem rather than a Splunk problem. It would help to see the complete CLI command, but I suspect you just need to put quotation marks around the entire search command (and escape quotation marks within it).