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Replace Eval Function using Regex

Path Finder

When using regex how can I take a field formatted as "0012-4250" and only show the 1st and lat 3 digits? I tried the following in which maintains the original output:

| eval AcctCode = replace(AcctCode,"(\d{4}-)(\d{4})","\1\2")
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1 Solution

Path Finder

Nevermind All.  


By some miracle I figured it out!

| eval ProdCode = replace(ProdCode,"^(\d)\d{3}-\d(\d{3})","\1xxx-x\2")

View solution in original post

Path Finder

Nevermind All.  


By some miracle I figured it out!

| eval ProdCode = replace(ProdCode,"^(\d)\d{3}-\d(\d{3})","\1xxx-x\2")


The current regex takes the first 4 digits and the last 4 digits and then puts them back together, which is why the result does not change.  Try this, which takes the first and last 3 digits and puts them together.

| rex field=AcctCode mode=sed "s/(\d{3})\d-\d(\d{3})/\1\2/"


If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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Path Finder



Your reply is greatly appreciated, but I must use the eval command to achieve my results. Do you have an eval command solution?


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