Could someone please help me with the rename of the string Values in the fields.
I want to remove the spaces from the below-highlighted values
here is the query I'm trying :
index="index" sourcetype=_json
|spath path="results{}.summary" output=Summary| spath path="results{}.description" output=Description
|spath path="results{}.category" output=Category |spath path="results{}.sysAdmin" output=SysAdmin
|rename Values(Summary) as values|rename values("User deactivated") AS "User_deactivated"
| table Summary Category SysAdmin
try below:
| rex field=Summary mode=sed "s/\s+//g"
try below:
| rex field=Summary mode=sed "s/\s+//g"
It's working,
Thank you very much for your prompt support @thambisetty
Do you want to remove spaces between Summary field values or new lines ?
removing spaces between Summary field values