Splunk Search

Remove segmenters in search (lispy) for Norwegian characters


Hi folks. Whenever you do a search in Splunk you can review the lispy in search.log. For example, if I search for my own username in the main index, the search would look like this index=main hettervi while the lispy would look like this [AND index::main hettervi]. However, since when I'm using Norwegian characters æ, ø and å the words gets segmentet in the lipsy. For example, if I search for the (fictional) Norwegian name "Hælgøvoll" the search would look like this index=main hælgøvoll, but the lipsy would look like this [AND index::main h lg voll æ ø]. See the problem?

I've looked through the documentation for segmenters.conf, but as far as I can see there is no mention of Norwegian characters. Anyone got any tips for how to unlist the Norwegian characters as breakers, both at index time and in search time?

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I've looked into the case some more. An interesting observation is that searching for TERM(hælgøvoll) or TERM(h*lg*voll) gives no results. This lead me to believe that the Norwegian characters æ, ø and å are defined as major breakers. However, if this was the case, they wouldn't be listed in the lispy as showed in my initial question. The only explanation I can come up with that explains the observed behavior is that there are some "hidden" major breakers before and after the Norwegian characters æ, ø and å. I'm not sure if I'm correct in my assumption, and if this is a bug or a feature.

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Ultra Champion

@hettervi, you need to look at the encoding. UTF-8, for example, as an implementation of Unicode, covers all known languages.

A good place to start is at - Configure character set encoding

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Perhaps. I'll look into it, though the problem isn't that the characters aren't supported, it is that the search head segments the searched words whenever the said characters occur. As far as I know, the generated lispy for a search isn't sourcetype dependent.

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Yes, it appears that most (if not all) non-ASCII character are major breakers.

The lispy I see for a simple search for  тестирование is:

[ AND index::main а в е и н о р с т ]

This is a bigger issue if the data is ingested in ASCII JSON format.

{"data": "\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435"}

 If the data above is ingested, "data="тестирование"  or "тестирование" will not find the data.  An initial search like "u04*" must be included.  A similar issue occurs when the raw JSON includes a newline, as a string like {"data": "line_one\nline_two"} cannot be found with a search for "line_two".

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