I have a whole bunch of these and I need what comes after ?desktop= and before the "
- for this particular log I need UnderwritingICM - E009239 [12/Jun/2017:10:41:53 -0400] "POST /navigator/jaxrs/plugin?repositoryId=UNDERWRITINGTARGETOS&caseId=70C09C5C-0100-C614-92F3-BEEC330CE13F&plugin=ICMAPIPlugin&action=CaseService&desktop=UnderwritingICM HTTP/1.1" 200 33444 "https://www.aoins.com/navigator/?desktop=UnderwritingICM" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" 112093 2848 33869 48 + PRDFNCM102.aoins.com:15108 -
However I can't seem to get that piece. I either get nothing or I get everything. I can't seem to get the regex to stop at the double quote.
When I put my regex into regex101 to test it this works
but when I try to use that in Splunk I get unbalanced quotes
I tried a single slash to escape the quote and it comes back with nothing
| rex field=_raw "\?desktop=(?<DesktopName>.*?)\""
I tried a double slash and it tells me I have unbalanced quotes
| rex field=_raw "\?desktop=(?<DesktopName>.*?)\\""
And three gave me the same as one so ... I'm stumped.
Can anyone help with this?
Seems to work ok here.
If I try that with ?desktop=UnderwritingICM"
in an eval and using your first rex on that field, it works just fine.
index=index host="host" | rex field=_raw "\?desktop=(?.*?)""
This gives me unbalanced quotes
index=index host="host" | rex field=_raw "\?desktop=(?.*?)"
This gives me the field name of DesktopName but the 'value' is blank
1 Value, 75.064% of events
Top values Top values by time Rare values
Events with this field
Values Count %
19,413 100%
try this:
| rex field=_raw "\?desktop=(?<DesktopName>\w+)"
I knew it was going to be something simple. Thank you!!!!
To me, your first rex looks fine, though, and should work.
None of them worked. They either error for unbalanced quotes or they list the field name under Interesting Fields but with a blank value.
.* is greedy. use \S+ instead.
I would use this instead.
I downvoted this post because the command is not showing up properly on the page after i click submit.
does it work if you post it as code?
That gives me unbalanced quotes
| rex field=_raw "\?desktop=(?\S+?)""
formatting went bad.. I meant
| rex field=_raw "\?desktop=(?\S+)"
it's happening again.