I have following fields
Datacenter, Category(Cat ), Application(APP), Description(Desc).
Datacenter has 10 or more possible values.
Now i want a table like below
First line is header where Datacenter_value1 .... Datacenter_valueN are values of field Datacenter and Count is sum of counts of each Datacenter_value column
Count Datacenter_value1 Datacenter_value2 ..... Datacenter_valueN Cat APP Desc
450 5 23 ..... 37 error cycle frame error
565 16 43 ..... 56 info car engine ready
Given that you rename the 'Category(Cat)' and other fields to 'Cat' 'APP' and 'Desc' up front
Join the "key" fields together first, like this :
... | eval joined_fields=Cat.";".APP.";".Desc
Then chart
... | chart count over joined_fields by Datacenter
Then add your totals
... | addtotals
Then split up the joined fields again
... | rex field=joined_fields "(?<Cat>.*?);(?<APP>.*?);(?<Desc>.*)"
Finally remove the joined_fields from the output
... | fields - joined_fields
Given that you rename the 'Category(Cat)' and other fields to 'Cat' 'APP' and 'Desc' up front
Join the "key" fields together first, like this :
... | eval joined_fields=Cat.";".APP.";".Desc
Then chart
... | chart count over joined_fields by Datacenter
Then add your totals
... | addtotals
Then split up the joined fields again
... | rex field=joined_fields "(?<Cat>.*?);(?<APP>.*?);(?<Desc>.*)"
Finally remove the joined_fields from the output
... | fields - joined_fields