I have this data
Owner Branch# Bname
O1 B1 Bname1
O1 B2 Bname2
O2 B1 Bname3
O2 B3 Bname4
O2 B4 Bname5
O3 B3 Bname6
O3 B5 Bname7
I need to put the Bname in a dropdown where depending on the Owner (token) but the query is getting error Duplicate values causing conflict because of the multiple Branch#. I cannot dedup Branch# as this will be passed on as token to other panels when owner is chosen. If I do dedup, it will only pass the 1st occurence and other owner will not have any Branch# to chose from.
Any idea on how to manage the SPL?
When its passed as token to other panels along with the Owner , there should be no impact of deleting duplicate branch number in your input query as your selection from lookup or index will be based on combination of branch# and Owner. Can you please paste your code so it will be easy to understand the question.
During the initial load of the dropdown values, there's a duplicate error since there are multiple branch# (Owner=* and branch#=*). when a specific Owner is chosen, then the error disappears as it already has value for branches.
Here is the sample code for the dropdown:
> <input type="dropdown"
> token="report"
> searchWhenChanged="true">
> <label>Report Type</label>
> <fieldForValue>foo</fieldForValue>
> <search>
> <query>| inputlookup foo.csv | sort foo foo_label | where
> report_label="foo"
> </search>
> <change>
> <set token="foolabel">$label$</set>
> </change>
> <fieldForLabel>foo_label</fieldForLabel>
> <default>foo</default>
> <initialValue>foo</initialValue>
> </input>
> <input type="dropdown" token="foo2_id"
> searchWhenChanged="true">
> <label>Foo2</label>
> <fieldForLabel>foo_NM</fieldForLabel>
> <fieldForValue>foo2_ID</fieldForValue>
> <search base="foo2_metadata">
> <query>| dedup foo2_ID | fields foo_NM foo2_ID | sort
> foo_NM</query>
> </search>
> <change>
> <set token="foo2_label">$label$</set>
> </change>
> <choice value="*">ALL</choice>
> <default>*</default>
> <initialValue>*</initialValue>
> </input>
> <input type="dropdown" token="foo3" searchWhenChanged="true">
> <label>Branch</label>
> <choice value="*">ALL</choice>
> <fieldForLabel>foo3_NM</fieldForLabel>
> <fieldForValue>foo3_NO</fieldForValue>
> <search base="foo3_metadata">
> <query>| dedup foo3_NO | search foo3_ID="$foo2_id$" | fields
> foo3_NM foo3_NO | sort foo3_NM
> </search>
> <default>*</default>
> </input>