The regular expression rex "(?i)(?P<var> : [0-9]+)$"
extracts space followed by a colon and then a space and then series of digits in the end of the line. If you just want to extract only the digit, then you should use the regular expression rex "(?i) : (?P<var>[0-9]+)$"
Let me know if it works for you this time.
Note : Hopefully the characters in my regular expression should not get truncated.
Amit Saxena
Let me know if the my latest suggested solution to both the scenarios work for you.
Amit Saxena
Putting the expression inside a code block.
rex "(?i)(?P<var> : [0-9]+)$"
Hopefully this time, there are no characters that gets truncated
Let me know if it works for you
Amit Saxena
The characters in my post are truncated. I will try to post my answer as reply to the post instead of the comment.
rex "(?i)(?P : [0-9]+)$" will extract both the spaces including the colon character and then the digit. If you want to extract only the digit, then you should use rex "(?i) : (?P[0-9]+)$" .
Let me know if it works for you.
Note : Hopefully the character are not truncated from my regular expression while submitting the post.
Amit Saxena
Still getting the ':'
var= : 8134038
Let me know how following works for you.
rex "(?i)(?P<var> : [0-9]+)$"
Amit Saxena
can you put it in a code block?
Still the characters in my post are getting truncated and I don't know why 😞
Let me know if this works.
rex "(?i)(?P : [0-9]+)$"
Try the following regular expression.
rex "(?i)(?P<var> : [0-9]+)$"
Note : Please add "< var >" ( without spaces and quotes ) after "?P" in the regular expression. Due to some issue, the "<" and ">" characters are getting truncated from my post.
Amit Saxena
Wait ! no matter I put correct answer, some characters are getting truncated when I submit the post ! I am posting the answer again in "post your answer" section.
Oh ! That was a typo from my side. Try the following and let me know the outcome.
rex "(?i)(?P : [0-9]+)$"
Error in 'rex' command: Encountered the following error while compiling the regex '(?i)(?P : [0-9]+)$': Regex: unrecognized character after (?P
Any regex tutorial would have the regex. This one only extracts the digits.
your_search | rex field=_raw "\s:\s(?<extracted>\d+)"
A better sample of data would help with the regex.
It's basically what's in alacer's initial answer but you add the $
at the end. You may not know regex but reading through the answers and comments should give you some idea anyway.
Not sure how to do that and ensure it still matches on ' : 949495'
If you don't want to include the string matched by \s:\s
, just leave it out of the matching group.
Which decimal?