There are three conditions in my eval:
1) date=2019-Present, '"/2019","/2020"'
2) date=2019, " /2019"
3) date=2020, "/2020"
Non of the condition values pass through to **OpenedOn IN(dtok)** as expected. In the example below, OpenedOn IN(dtok) should result in OpenedOn IN('"/2019","*/2020"')*.
..base search
| eval date=2019-Present
| eval dtok=case(date=2019-Present, **'"*/2019","*/2020"'** ,date=2019, " /2019", date=2020, "/2020")
| search OpenedOn IN(**dtok**)
| bin span=1mon OpenedOn
| chart count(sys_id) as count over OpenedOn_2 by "Business Service" limit=0 | addtotals
Thank you.
..base search (OpenedOn="*/2019" OR OpenedOn="*/2020")
| bin span=1mon OpenedOn
| chart count(sys_id) as count over OpenedOn_2 by "Business Service" limit=0
| addtotals
Hi @motaghis
you don't need eval
and where
try search
first. no problem.
and */2019
and /2019
is same.
..base search (OpenedOn="*/2019" OR OpenedOn="*/2020")
| bin span=1mon OpenedOn
| chart count(sys_id) as count over OpenedOn_2 by "Business Service" limit=0
| addtotals
Hi @motaghis
you don't need eval
and where
try search
first. no problem.
and */2019
and /2019
is same.
Hi @to4kawa. Thank you. Sorry, I'm not explaining myself clearly. This query is part of a dashboard panel that relies on user inputs from a drop down menu with three choices. Either "2019" , "2020" or both with choice "Rolling 2019-2020".
The token used for the drop down menu input is $date$. If the user selects the "Rolling 2019-2020" choice, then the token $date$ will be "2019-Present". Based on the choice of the user as seen in the XML listed below, I need to do an eval, if "2019-Present" is the value of $date$ then date_tok will return, in this exact format, the value of '"/2019","/2020"' . I get no results from this. I'm having trouble passing through '"/2019","/2020"' to the |search OpenedOn IN(date_tok) to filter the results.
Here is the xml of the input Date input:
<input type="dropdown" token="date" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="2019-Present">Rolling 2019-2020</choice>
<choice value="2019">2019</choice>
<choice value="2020">2020</choice>
Dashboard Panel query
...base search
| eval date=$date$
| eval date_tok=case(date=2019-Present,'"/2019","/2020"' ,date=2019,"/2019" ,date=2020,"/2020")
| eval OpenedOn=date_tok
| search "Change Type" IN("$form.changerequesttype$") OpenedOn IN(date_tok)
| bin span=1mon OpenedOn
| chart count(sys_id) as count over OpenedOn_2 by "Business Service" limit=0 | addtotals
Thank you.
I see.
<form hideEdit="false">
<label>Input dropdown test</label>
<fieldset autoRun="true" submitButton="false">
<input type="dropdown" token="date" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="2019-Present">Rolling 2019-2020</choice>
<choice value="2019">2019</choice>
<choice value="2020">2020</choice>
<condition value="2019-Present">
<set token="tok_text_1">/2019 OR /2020</set>
<condition value="2019">
<set token="tok_text_1">2019</set>
<set token="tok_text_1">2020</set>
<title>Token 1: $date$ | Token 2: $tok_text_1$</title>
this is sample dashboard. try this.
Splunk dashboard can send two tokens at same time.
I don't know whole your query. you can create dashboard.
This works beautifully! Thank you so much @to4kawa!!
Use match
function with where
command. Try this query. Here OpenedOn is matched to "/2019" OR "/2020" when date is "2019-Present".
..base search
| eval date=2019-Present
| eval dtok=case(date="2019-Present", "(/2019|/2020)", date="2019", "/2019", date="2020", "/2020")
| where match(OpenedOn, dtok)
| bin span=1mon OpenedOn
| chart count(sys_id) as count over OpenedOn_2 by "Business Service" limit=0 | addtotals
Thank you for your quick response. I tried this query and it doesn't work. My issue is I need OpenedOn to equal "/2019" and "/2020" in this format ' "/2019","/2020" ' then use | search OpenedOn IN(dtok) to filter the results for all values that were created in 2019 and 2020.
...base search
| eval date=2019
| eval dtok=case(date="2019-Present", "(/2019|/2020)", date="2019", "/2019", date="2020", "/2020")
| where match(OpenedOn, dtok)
| bin span=1mon OpenedOn
| chart count(sys_id) as count over OpenedOn_2 by "Business Service" limit=0 | addtotals