i am looking for being able to pass on Filter in URL of splunk for any laucher page, which will be used to filter what is being displayed.
Like it can be used to display the log details of only certain Application logs or logs on a particular server.
Does Anybody have an idea about the same.
Hi Any answer for above scenario.
BAsically looking to be able to pass two value against one param in view.
How is it accomplished?
In above working example, we are passing one host parameter like host="xxx.corp.com".it is working fine.
How to pass two or more host parameter in URL and how search will be happen using URLloader?
In splunk, we can search two host parameter by passing host="xxx.corp.com" OR host="yyy.corp.com" but how we can search this type of scenario using URLloader?
Search module should be used instead of HiddenSearch, a working example :
<view template="dashboard.html">
<label>Index activity overview</label>
<module name="AccountBar" layoutPanel="appHeader"/>
<module name="AppBar" layoutPanel="navigationHeader"/>
<module name="SideviewUtils" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1"/>
<module name="URLLoader" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1">
<module name="Search" layoutpanel="panel_row1_col1" autoRun="True">
<param name="search">index=_internal host="$host$" source=*web_access.log* /app/ | search user=* | timechart count by user</param>
<param name="earliest">-24h</param>
<module name="JobProgressIndicator"/>
<module name="HiddenChartFormatter">
<param name="chartTitle">Events by host</param>
<module name="FlashChart" />
I have changed the dashboard_live XML like this
and using the url lke this
and even with this
the page keeps showing status as loading and nothings gets loaded.
However if i use the same "| metadata type=sources | search "$host$" totalCount>0 | rename totalCount as Count recentTime as "Last Update" | table source Count "Last Update" | fieldformat Count=tostring(Count, "commas") | fieldformat "Last Update"=strftime('Last Update', "%m/%d/%Y %T") by replacing the $host$ with summer2 fetchers me the results.
Whats wrong?
Thanks in Advance,
I am looking into being able to add up a parameter from Apache to Splunk URL and Splunk being able to working with that URL filter.
This Side ViewUtils however seems to be working on click of button and stuff..
Splunk.Module.URLLoader extends Splunk.Module
This module will look at the page URL and for every querystring argument foo=bar, it will create a key in the context object with name 'foo' and value 'bar'
With the help of this you could use the passed on parameter in your search queries to filter out results.
The following two modules could be useful for something like that in the SideView_Utils app: