Why it is not possible to install PDF printing in Splunk server on Windows host?
We have licensed Splunk and we had to install it on Windows server because only Windows instalation supports grabbing logs from windows servers via WMI.
Of cource we can install Splunk on linux server to have PDF printing, but then it will not be possible to pull logs from Windows machines.
In my opinion, is very unprofessional to so such diversify this software.
Exporting to PDF is not extremely difficult function to put this to the whole dedicated server. This feature should be built.
VM hypevisor needs own bare metal server, goes the same.
How about setting up a simple VM to do this task instead of having it run on it's own Server?
You're misunderstanding the set up of the PDF server. You can still have your Splunk instance installed on Windows, but just have the Splunk instance on the Linux box act as the PDF server.