EWS Response Content:{_ "responseHeader" : {_ "success" : "true",_ "serviceName" : "payment",_ "resourceName" : "payments",_ "operationName" : "create",_ "version" : "1.25.261",_ "statementCode" : "001",_ "methodOfPaymentSequence" : "1",_ "amountTendered" : "705.14",_ "balanceBegin" : "1410.79",_ "balanceEnd" : "705.65",_ "icomsTransactionDateTime" : "20180116",_ "message" : {_ "code" : "PAYMENT_AUTH_SUCCESS",_ "message" : "Payment has been authorized."_ }_ } ]_}
hey @yograjpatel
Try this run anywhere search
| makeresults
| eval _raw="EWS Response Content:{ \"responseHeader\" : { \"success\" : \"true\", \"serviceName\" : \"payment\", \"resourceName\" : \"payments\", \"operationName\" : \"create\", \"version\" : \"1.25.261\", \"statementCode\" : \"001\", \"methodOfPaymentSequence\" : \"1\", \"amountTendered\" : \"705.14\", \"balanceBegin\" : \"1410.79\", \"balanceEnd\" : \"705.65\", \"icomsTransactionDateTime\" : \"20180116\", \"message\" : { \"code\" : \"PAYMENT_AUTH_SUCCESS\", \"message\" : \"Payment has been authorized.\" } } ]}"
| rex field=_raw "amountTendered\"\s:\s\"(?<amountTendered>[^\"]+)"
| convert num(amountTendered)
In your environment, you should write
| rex field=_raw "amountTendered\"\s:\s\"(?<amountTendered>[^\"]+)"
| convert num(amountTendered)
Let me know if this helps !
rex field=_raw "amountTendered\"\s:\s\"(?[^\"]+)" tried this and it worked
hey @yograjpatel
Try this run anywhere search
| makeresults
| eval _raw="EWS Response Content:{ \"responseHeader\" : { \"success\" : \"true\", \"serviceName\" : \"payment\", \"resourceName\" : \"payments\", \"operationName\" : \"create\", \"version\" : \"1.25.261\", \"statementCode\" : \"001\", \"methodOfPaymentSequence\" : \"1\", \"amountTendered\" : \"705.14\", \"balanceBegin\" : \"1410.79\", \"balanceEnd\" : \"705.65\", \"icomsTransactionDateTime\" : \"20180116\", \"message\" : { \"code\" : \"PAYMENT_AUTH_SUCCESS\", \"message\" : \"Payment has been authorized.\" } } ]}"
| rex field=_raw "amountTendered\"\s:\s\"(?<amountTendered>[^\"]+)"
| convert num(amountTendered)
In your environment, you should write
| rex field=_raw "amountTendered\"\s:\s\"(?<amountTendered>[^\"]+)"
| convert num(amountTendered)
Let me know if this helps !
Hey @yograjpatel
If you deem the posted answer is correct then pls accept/upvote to resolve this question.
I'm getting the total count but not the actual amount to sum up.
yeah. We have extracted a string value. You need to convert it into a number first.
Just do the following after the "rex" command:
| convert num(amountTendered)
tried this too rex "\"amountTendered\"\s:\s\"(?P\d+)\""
did you really do the following:
| rex field=_raw "amountTendered\"\s*\:\s*(?<amountTendered>[^\"]+)"
| convert num(amountTendered)
not working
how about a regular expression.
| rex field=_raw "amountTendered\"\s*\:\s*(?<amountTendered>[^\"]+)"