Hi All,
I have the below search. I am being told it appends results to a lookup table called user_ids.
index=ad earliest=-15d
|stats latest(_time) as _time, latest(profile.department) as bunit, latest(profile.legacyUsername) as legacyUsername, latest(profile.userType) as category by userID
| append [|inputlookup user_ids]
In all the posts i have seen so far, people recommend using outputlookup command to append
Can someone pls explain how does append [|inputlookup user_identities] end up appending in my case ? How is this different than
| outputlookup append=true user_ids.csv
Hi @neerajs_81,
the append command is use to append the results of a subsearch (also from a lookup) to the results of the main search.
If I correctly understood, you need to append the results of a search to a lookup, if this is correct, you have to use the outputlookup.
You can find information about both the commands at
Hi @neerajs_81,
the append command is use to append the results of a subsearch (also from a lookup) to the results of the main search.
If I correctly understood, you need to append the results of a search to a lookup, if this is correct, you have to use the outputlookup.
You can find information about both the commands at
Thanks. So in my search what does
| append [|inputlookup user_ids]
achieve? Is it appending the results to that user_ids lookup file ?
Hi @neerajs_81,
no it appends the rows of the lookup TO your search results, not To the lookup!
In other words: "| append [|inputlookup user_ids]" appends FROM user_id.csv not TO this lookup.