Logs i am receiving from the Windows machine are like below: (Getting just the "instance=_Total" logs)
02/09/2018 23:07:04.086 +1000
counter="% User Time"
Please help me write a query to address the issue ASAP.
Hi dnvs007,
Please try the below query and let me know if it works or not. Since we have the same index so we can use this search query..
index=os| search COMMAND="splunk*" OR process_name="splunk*" | eval CPU_Percent=coalesce(PercentProcessorTime,pctCPU) | timechart span=15m max(CPU_Percent) by host useother=f | sort _time
Hi dnvs007,
Please try the below query and let me know if it works or not. Since we have the same index so we can use this search query..
index=os| search COMMAND="splunk*" OR process_name="splunk*" | eval CPU_Percent=coalesce(PercentProcessorTime,pctCPU) | timechart span=15m max(CPU_Percent) by host useother=f | sort _time
index=os sourcetype=foo OR sourcetype=coo host=$hostname$ | multikv fields pctCPU COMMAND PercentProcessorTime Name |eval pctCPU="PercentProcessorTime" | bucket span=1d _time | stats avg(Value) as pctCPU by _time host | where pctCPU>75.0| timechart span=1d avg(avgcpu) as "CPU Processor Time" by host limit=0
try this and let me know...
Thanks Manish.. Will definitely try and get back... Also just to clarify, will the multisearch usage not work?
It is not required..
Thanks again Manish! All i want from the query is for it to display on my dashboard the usage of Splunk resource utilization of the CPU(splunkd) on each server(Windows/Linux) in just one query...
Hi Manish,
That did not work... maybe i should have explained better..
I have multiple Linux hosts and Multiple Windows hosts..
Linux hosts come with index=os and fields pctCPU and COMMAND
However, windows hosts come with fields PercentProcessorTime and Name(which has splunkd info)
i have tokens created for all these hosts as you already know by "$hostname$
I now need a query which will show how much CPU Splunk is utilizing on these servers and display a graph on my dashboard.
Please help. Quick help much appreciated...
To Add i am using the query:
index=os sourcetype=foo OR sourcetype=coo host=$hostname$ | multikv fields pctCPU COMMAND PercentProcessorTime Name | multisearch [ search host=$hostname$ COMMAND="splunk*"] [search host=$hostname$ Name="splunk*" | eval pctCPU="PercentProcessorTime"] | timechart span=15m max(pctCPU) by host | sort _time
As posted earlier, gives me results for Linux hosts but not for Windows hosts.
Please help
what information you have in the below fields, could you please share..
What have you tried so far and what results did you get?
Hello there!
Tried below and variations of below:
earliest=-15m sourcetype="Perfmon:CPU" counter="% Processor Time" | where (instance!="Idle" AND instance!="System") | stats avg(Value) by host,instance
even though does not exactly meet my requirement.
Nothing works because, i am getting logs only of "instance=_Total"
Please let me know if you need more details.
Thanks a ton! Greatly appreciate a quick response.
No SPL will help you find what is not indexed. If you need something other than instance=_Total
then you should take steps to get it.
Based on what you have, you may get results with this query.
index=foo sourcetype="Perfmon:CPU" instance=_Total | stats avg(Value) by host
Thank you Rich Galloway! Sorry for the late response...
I got the processes for the Windows servers indexed. Could you please help me merge a query for Linux with Windows ?
The query i use is as below:
index=os sourcetype=foo OR sourcetype=coo host=$hostname$ | multikv fields pctCPU COMMAND | search host=$hostname$ COMMAND="splunk*" | timechart span=15m max(pctCPU) by host | sort _time
The indexed fields for windows is: PercentTime for pctCPU and Name for Command.
To add on i will need the graph to either show max values for Linux or for windows at a time in a consolidated query
Came up with this query:
index=os sourcetype=foo OR sourcetype=coo host=$hostname$ | multikv fields pctCPU COMMAND PercentProcessorTime Name | multisearch [ search host=$hostname$ COMMAND="splunk*"] [search host=$hostname$ Name="splunk*" | eval pctCPU="PercentProcessorTime"] | timechart span=15m max(pctCPU) by host | sort _time
Could someone please help in letting me know if this is the right query to get results as i need it to be?