What I mean is that I want to parse all the error messages in my logs into one field called Errors but the regular expressions are different.
Error: exceed max iterations, iter 120, count_trial 120
ERROR setup_acap_venv.sh failed.
ERROR [ac_analysis.tools.merge_annotations:327]
They don't quite all match up so one field extraction won't encompass all of them. Is there a way to have multiple regex that go into one field? Or is there a way to handle this when indexing the data instead of creating a field extraction?
Yes, you can definitely have multiple field extractions in to the same field.
REPORT-yourfield = yourfield1,yourfield2,yourfield3
REGEX = (?<yourfield>blahblahblah)
REGEX = (?<yourfield>moreblahmoreblah)
REGEX = (?<yourfield>evenmoreblah)
Yes, you can do this in the CLI by piping to a series of regex
commands back-to-back with the same capture name. The last successful one will win but none of the unsuccessful ones will damage a previously successful field value creation.
One field extract should work, especially if your logs all lead with 'error' string prefix. Simple extraction based on your sample events:
(?i)error[\s:]+(?.*) OR (?i)error[^\w]+(?.*(?\]|\.))
The first one being the more simple/straightforward of the two, with the latter aiming to clean up the extracted data if you are so inclined.
perl -ne 'print $1.$/ if /error[^\w]+(.*(?<!\]|\.))/i' re_sample
exceed max iterations, iter 120, count_trial 120
setup_acap_venv.sh failed
Yes, you can definitely have multiple field extractions in to the same field.
REPORT-yourfield = yourfield1,yourfield2,yourfield3
REGEX = (?<yourfield>blahblahblah)
REGEX = (?<yourfield>moreblahmoreblah)
REGEX = (?<yourfield>evenmoreblah)
Thanks! Worked perfectly