Need some help in merging two search result.
i have one source with below result as such -
CommonIndex host Max
WinUnix appdcos 23.10
WinUnix hpmail 91.80
Another search result with output as such -
CommonIndex host Max
WinUnix ADDS 20.25
WinUnix BCMP 75.16
How can i reproduce the results like below in a single table. I have tried join,append but output is not correct.
CommonIndex host Max
WinUnix appdcos 23.10
WinUnix hpmail 91.80
WinUnix ADDS 20.25
WinUnix BCMP 75.16
try something like below,
index=a | table CommonIndex host Max | append [|search index=b | table CommonIndex host Max]
if fields are common in two indexes. you can try something like below,
index=a OR index=b | table CommonIndex host Max
It would help to see your two searches, but the general way to do it is to merge the two queries. You shouldn't need to use append
or join
(index=index1 sourcetype=st1) OR (index=index1 sourcetype=st2) | ... | table ComminIndex host Max
try something like below,
index=a | table CommonIndex host Max | append [|search index=b | table CommonIndex host Max]
if fields are common in two indexes. you can try something like below,
index=a OR index=b | table CommonIndex host Max