Splunk Search

Looking for a faster search query: Count different platforms from somewhat same events


Dear Splunk Community,

I have the following search:


index=websphere 200 OK POST 


And I have different platforms that I find like this:


index=websphere 200 OK POST LINUX
index=websphere 200 OK POST Windows
index=websphere 200 OK POST zLinux


I am currently using the following query to count all 200 OK POST events per platform:


index=websphere 200 OK POST LINUX | stats count | rename count AS "Linux" | append [search index=websphere 200 OK POST WINDOWS | stats count | rename count AS "Windows"] | append [search index=websphere 200 OK POST ZLINUX | stats count | rename count AS "zLinux"] 


This is just an example, I have way more platforms that I search like in the query above. I have two issues:

  • Its slow
  • It counts per platform and generates table headers horizontally that I don't want


I would like to change the above so that I get the following output:

Platform | Count

Linux | 24

Windows | 50

zLinux | 0

Also, using append search seems a bit devious. There must be a simpler, faster and better way to do this, but how?

Thanks in advance


EDIT: Please note that the results are all shown in _raw , there are no platform fields or anything generated

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1 Solution

Revered Legend

Try something like this

index=websphere 200 OK POST (LINUX OR WINDOWS OR ZLINUX) | eval Platform=case(searchmatch("LINUX"),"LINUX", searchmatch("WINDOWS"),"WINDOWS", true(),"ZLINUX") | stats count by Platform

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Revered Legend

Try something like this

index=websphere 200 OK POST (LINUX OR WINDOWS OR ZLINUX) | eval Platform=case(searchmatch("LINUX"),"LINUX", searchmatch("WINDOWS"),"WINDOWS", true(),"ZLINUX") | stats count by Platform
0 Karma


Thanks! Works like a charm! Not familiair with searchmatch but will look into it.

0 Karma
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