Splunk Search

Limiting high numbers



I have a timechart with integers, every minutes. Normaly, the value of the integers are between 1 and 120.
Sometimes it happens that a value can be over 500. In this case of failure, I would like to set the high value to 120 and would like to highlight it in a different color.

Is this possible with splunk with the default search tools?

Thanks for your tips

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1 Solution


It doesn't appear that you can control the color of the resulting chart using just the search language - you'll have to create a dashboard panel to do that. However, here's how you can get the chart you want:

...your timechart search...
| eval green=if(count<=120,count,0) 
| eval red=if(count>120,120,0) 
| fields - count

If you do this and format your chart to be a stacked bar chart, you'll see that the "red" ones (whatever color they end up being) are capped at 120 and a different color than the "green" ones. But they won't actually be red and green - again, you'll need to turn this into a dashboard panel and modify it to get those specific colors.

View solution in original post


It doesn't appear that you can control the color of the resulting chart using just the search language - you'll have to create a dashboard panel to do that. However, here's how you can get the chart you want:

...your timechart search...
| eval green=if(count<=120,count,0) 
| eval red=if(count>120,120,0) 
| fields - count

If you do this and format your chart to be a stacked bar chart, you'll see that the "red" ones (whatever color they end up being) are capped at 120 and a different color than the "green" ones. But they won't actually be red and green - again, you'll need to turn this into a dashboard panel and modify it to get those specific colors.


Ok thanks that helps



Hi Stephane

Thank you for taking the time to help.

This command is the same like

mysearch | search fieldname <=120

The problem here is, that the high numbers above 120 are disappeared and there are little gaps in the timeline,
which can't be seen easily i the report.

So I decide to show it as the highest possible number (120) in the report, that we see, attention here are potential failures.

If I could color this bar with 120 in a different color, this would be great.

Thank you

0 Karma


To limit high number at 120 as you want you can use eval commande like this:

yourSearch.....|eval FieldName=FieldName|where FieldName<=120

where FieldName is the field that content your integer values

0 Karma


hi,i'm seeing what i can do for you

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