2018/17/25 19:37:27 Field1="0" FIELD_TEXT="Select"
2018/17/25 10:30:17 Field1="0" FIELD_TEXT="name"
2018/17/25 06:9:00 Field1="2" FIELD_TEXT="from "
2018/17/25 00:00:00 Field1="4" FIELD_TEXT="table"
2018/17/25 00:00:00 Field1="4" FIELD_TEXT="table2"
Required o/p
Select name from table table2
I wanted to display the FIELD_TEXT value order by Field1
CAn any one suggest me, how can I achieve this
Perhaps this will help.
... | sort Field1 | table FIELD_TEXT
Are you looking for
"Your search " | fields FIELD_TEXT,Field1|sort Field1|fields - Field1
Thanks! it worked
@swetar, glad to know. Please accept as answer to close the thread