Is it possible to use the collect function to send data to multiple different summary indexes?
For example, let's say my search produces the following results:
date org field1 field2 field3
03-15-22 Finance valueA1 ValueA2 ValueA3
03-15-22 Maintenance valueB1 ValueB2 ValueB3
I want to use collect to send the results for org:Finance to a specific summary index = FinanceSummary and similarly send the results for org:Maintenance to another summary index=MaintenanceSummary
The syntax I have for the collect function was:
|collect index=[the target summary index]
My question is there way I can do something like:
| where org=Finance
| collect index=FinanceSummary
| where org=Maintenance
| collect index=MaintenanceSummary
I was not sure if this was possible and was hoping to check before pollute my summary indexes with bad results. The documentation itself does not explicitly address this question unfortunately
Thanks in advance!
This won't work, not because of the multiple collects, which should work, but because the first where command will remove everything apart from org=Finance, so when the second where command removes everything apart from org=Maintenance, there will be no results left (since the org=Maintenance events were removed by the first where command).
Thanks for the reply! That makes perfect sense. Someone outside of this channel suggested I try a foreach loop. But thanks for confirming my original question!
This won't work, not because of the multiple collects, which should work, but because the first where command will remove everything apart from org=Finance, so when the second where command removes everything apart from org=Maintenance, there will be no results left (since the org=Maintenance events were removed by the first where command).