Example: I want the user to enter a domain name and I want the report to perform a search based on the user's input? Any info would help. Could this be done using the web framework?
Woe be to you! that heeds not the postulation and cogitation of the Ancients! For they devised the language of our Splunktonian Utopian society! They have thus updated our culture with such wondrous merriment that is said to be "Simple XML Forms"! Only in versions 6.1 and more, shall ye find the verbalized form of unicorn tears. And here! The Scribes have documented for all generations the proper incantations to be used: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.1.3/Viz/Buildandeditforms#Basic_form_example. BEHOLD! THE USER IS POWERFUL ONCE AGAIN!
Sure this can be done, and you can do it through the dashboard GUI if you're using Splunk 6.1.x:
Add Input
button and select "Text".Add a new panel with your search in it. In the part of your search in which you want to substitue the user's input, use $Token_Name$. So for what I used above, I would put $UserSuppliedDomain$. A partial example of the search might look like this:
That's it, the search should automagically substitute the value the user input for the value in the search that creates the panel. See
the docs here for more information.
Thanks!!! Very helpful!
Woe be to you! that heeds not the postulation and cogitation of the Ancients! For they devised the language of our Splunktonian Utopian society! They have thus updated our culture with such wondrous merriment that is said to be "Simple XML Forms"! Only in versions 6.1 and more, shall ye find the verbalized form of unicorn tears. And here! The Scribes have documented for all generations the proper incantations to be used: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.1.3/Viz/Buildandeditforms#Basic_form_example. BEHOLD! THE USER IS POWERFUL ONCE AGAIN!
this hath to be the most epic answereth ev'r. thou sir art a winn'r!
Greatest answer ever!
kudos, a much more entertaining answer 🙂