Hi Splukers
I'm looking for cross compare some events with other system data, using an initial search for the event and then using map to load data from another index
index=event sourcetype=eventdat
| where like(details,"..."))
| eval earliest=floor(_time), latest=ceil(_time+2)
| table _time details earliest latest
| map
[ search index=sys_stats sourcetype=statdat device="..." earliest=$earliest$ latest=$latest$
| stats count as counter
| eval details=$details$, earliest=$earliest$, latest=$latest$
| table _time details counter earliest latest] maxsearches=10
When running I get the error:
Invalid value "$earliest$" for time term 'earliest'
I've tried $$ and "$...$" with no luck. I can't figure out why $earliest$ isn't being passed.
Any help would be appreciated (:
Notes: I've reviewed these posts but they don't seem relevant
I've been in touch with support, this is a known issue and there's no plan to fix.
There is a workaround that can be used:
| map [search index=_internal [| makeresults | eval earliest=$earliest$, latest=$latest$ | return earliest, latest]
It's a bit longer and needs another subsearch, but can be easier than escaping everything.
Thanks everyone for their input @PickleRick @richgalloway
I've been in touch with support, this is a known issue and there's no plan to fix.
There is a workaround that can be used:
| map [search index=_internal [| makeresults | eval earliest=$earliest$, latest=$latest$ | return earliest, latest]
It's a bit longer and needs another subsearch, but can be easier than escaping everything.
Thanks everyone for their input @PickleRick @richgalloway
Some more digging, this seems to be the same issue:
It's not that $earliest$ is not being passed, it's that the value being passed is invalid. The value for the earliest option must be a time modifier ("-1d", for example) or a timestamp in the format %m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S. It cannot be an epoch timestamp, but you can use strftime to convert an epoch into the expected format.
| eval earliest = strftime(earliest, "%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S")
I beg to differ.
I've used earliest/latest with epoch timestamps many times.
Agreed @PickleRick
I've just done a test and epoch times work just fine with earliest and latest in a search. The formatting seems to be a red herring here.
Thanks for the tip, I've updated my query
index=event sourcetype=eventdat
| where like(details,"..."))
| eval earliest=strftime(floor(_time), "%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S"), latest=strftime(ceil(_time+2), "%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S")
| table _time details earliest latest
| map
[ search index=sys_stats sourcetype=statdat device="..." earliest=$earliest$ latest=$latest$
| stats count as counter
| eval details=$details$, earliest="$earliest$", latest="$latest$"
| table _time details counter earliest latest] maxsearches=10
It's still throwing the error
Invalid value "$earliest$" for time term 'earliest'
I see another syntax error. The map command expects its search string to be in quotation marks rather than as a subsearch. The $earliest$ form doesn't work in subsearches (except in a dashboard).
index=event sourcetype=eventdat
| where like(details,"..."))
| eval earliest=strftime(floor(_time), "%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S"), latest=strftime(ceil(_time+2), "%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S")
| table _time details earliest latest
| map maxsearches=10
search = "index=sys_stats sourcetype=statdat device="..." earliest=$earliest$ latest=$latest$
| stats count as counter
| eval details=$details$, earliest=\"$earliest$\", latest=\"$latest$\"
| table _time details counter earliest latest"
Hmm, the documentation says map can use a subsearch
3. Use the map command with a subsearch
For complex ad hoc searches, use a subsearch for your map search
I can't say I've seen that form used in the wild.
It's not very common but it lets you avoid escaping yourself to death 😉