Hi, I want to insert Timerange picker value like $time$ in my query for a Dynamic input. Requesting help with the query where the $time$ will get injected and will not utilize the GUI Timerange Picker in the Dynamic input widget.
Hi Noman
I think this will be helpful to you.
To get the Timeange picker value in another filter query, you can use the $field1.earliest$ and $field1.latest$ values from the time range picker.
TimeRange picker
Test Dropdown:
I tried this and it is working..
Hi Noman
I think this will be helpful to you.
To get the Timeange picker value in another filter query, you can use the $field1.earliest$ and $field1.latest$ values from the time range picker.
TimeRange picker
Test Dropdown:
I tried this and it is working..
This worked 100%. Thank you so much!!!!