But if you really want to introduce the V1, V2, V3 field names you'll need...
index=_* index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd
| rename component as skill
| timechart span=5m count by skill limit=0
| untable _time skill count
| sort skill, _time
| streamstats dc(skill) as counter
| eval fieldnameReq="v".counter
| timechart span=5m sum(count) by fieldnameReq limit=0
I think this is what you mean. The hardest part is introducing the v1,v2,v3 etc field names.
If you're happy to retain the skill values, i.e. F1, F2, F3 (in your screenshot above) as the field names, then this becomes much simpler i.e....
index=_* index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd
| rename component as skill
| timechart span=5m count by skill limit=0
Something like this...
index=_* index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd
| rename component as skill
| stats count by skill
| streamstats count as counter
| eval fieldnameReq="v".counter,stub="sum"
| chart sum(count) over stub by fieldnameReq limit=0
| fields - stub
Replace first 2 lines with your query. Working on another post that produces a timechart. 2 tics
Neater solution, using transpose command.
index=_* index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd
| rename component as skill
| stats count by skill
| streamstats count as counter
| eval fieldnameReq="v".counter
| fields - counter skill
| transpose header_field=fieldnameReq