I have the below lookup file
It has 3 rows
1. A=1, B = " Added" , C= 31/3/2021 04:16pm
2. .A=1, B = " Added" , C= 31/3/2021 04:45pm
3. . A=1, B = " Removed" , C= 31/3/2021 04:57pm.
Now if I give a search
|inputlookup sbl.csv | stats latest(B) as status by A
I should get 1 , Removed
but I am getting 1, Added
Why is that, can anyone help?
Hi @chuck_life09,
When I test with your sample data it works. Maybe your time format is different than the sample?
latest/earliest function needs _time field in epoch time. Since your lookup has no _time field, latest/earliest function have no effect.
Thanks this worked...
Hi @chuck_life09,
Easier way to do without a subsearch;
| inputlookup sbl.csv
| eval _time=strptime(C,"%d/%m/%Y %I:%M%p")
| stats latest(B) as status by A
Hi @scelikok
Still I am not getting A= 1 and B = removed
It is still taking only the first row item.
Why is it that stats latest won't work within inputlookup?
Hi @chuck_life09,
you can use the latest option on a date and in epochtime not on another field.
So you have to convert C in epochtime and use that timestamp to extract the fields you need, something like this:
| inputlookup sbl.csv
| search [ | inputlookup sbl.csv | eval C_epoch=strptime(C,"%d/%m/%Y %I:%M%p") | stats latest(C_epoch) AS C_epoch BY A | eval C=strftime(C_epoch,"%d/%m/%Y %I:%M%p") | fields C ]
| table A B C