Splunk Search

Index based search for user being added to multiple windows groups?


Hello Folks,

Needed help with index based search for any user being added to multiple windows groups (preferably more then count of 5) in a time span of 15 mins .

Thank you

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1 Solution


Hi @john-doe,

you can add the time factor:

if you want an alert: defining the time monitoring period, e.g. every 15 minutes using the search you shared.

if instead you want to trace the distinct count of Subject_Accoun_Names registered in more groups, depending on time (e.g. every hour), you could use:

index=windows EventCode IN ("4728", "4756", "4732") Subject_Account_Name !="*$" 
| bin span=1h _time
| chart dc(Group_Name) AS Group_Name_count BY _time Subject_Account_Name 
| where Group_Name_count>= 20 



View solution in original post


Hi @john-doe,

at first, you have to check if your Domain Controller is logging EventCodes 4728 (A member was added to a security-enabled global group) and 4732 (A member was added to a security-enabled local group) and you're taking these EventCodes in your Splunk.

If yes, you can run a simple search like the following:

index=wineventlog EventCode IN (4728,4732)
| stats count dc(ComputerName) AS ComputerName_count BY user
| where ComputerName_count>1

Obviously you can choose a different threeshold in the last row.




Thanks @gcusello

I think your query will give me user added in particular groups on distinct hosts.

For checking if a user was added in multiple groups in15 min time span how can I modify your query ?  How can I use span or maxspan ?


I was working on something like this below. Not sure how to add the time factor check in there..


index=windows EventCode IN ("4728", "4756", "4732") Subject_Account_Name !="*$" | stats count values(Group_Name) by Subject_Account_Name, Member_Security_ID | where count >= 20 







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Hi @john-doe,

you can add the time factor:

if you want an alert: defining the time monitoring period, e.g. every 15 minutes using the search you shared.

if instead you want to trace the distinct count of Subject_Accoun_Names registered in more groups, depending on time (e.g. every hour), you could use:

index=windows EventCode IN ("4728", "4756", "4732") Subject_Account_Name !="*$" 
| bin span=1h _time
| chart dc(Group_Name) AS Group_Name_count BY _time Subject_Account_Name 
| where Group_Name_count>= 20 



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