struggling with the following IF statement....
I have a table, and want to create a new field called 'finalclosedtime' which will be populated either by an existing field called 'closedtime' or a string IF one of the other fields contains a value of "New".
I tried this but no joy:
| eval finalclosedtime=if((status_label="New",stringtopopulate)closedtime)
Any ideas? Thanks.
You can form the field this way -
| eval finalclosedtime=if(like(status_label,"%New%"),stringtopopulate,closedtime)
Hi There, try it simply as:
| eval finalclosedtime=if(status_label="New", stringtopopulate, closedtime)
Also worked, thanks!
You can form the field this way -
| eval finalclosedtime=if(like(status_label,"%New%"),stringtopopulate,closedtime)
Thats so simple, took me ages trying to get that working! many thanks!
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no problem 🙂