| rex field=_raw max_match=0 "BodyOftheMail_Script\s=\s\[\sBEGIN\s{0,}(?<BodyOftheMail>.((.|\n)*?)(?=\s{1,}END\s\]))"
I am trying to read body of the mail from logs ( some of the them are more than 500 lines).
I donot want to increase the value in limits.conf . Is my rex correct? Kindly help.
BodyOftheMail_Script = [ BEGIN 500 lines END ]
Hi @vn_g,
I would suggest to try and play around with the regex at regex101.com. For the sake of example - https://regex101.com/r/7Rp8b8/1/.
You would see steps count which you can try to minimize as much as possible. I believe Splunk uses a similar metric and sets a hard limit on that for better search performance.
The rex
command requires named capture groups. Please edit the question to correct the regex.