Splunk Search

Howto Chart Fields by Host


I am indexing results from facter which logs information about each host. I can get the most up to date list of these system properties by running

sourcetype="puppet-facts" | dedup host

This would return a single event for each host. My question is, how would I generate a table that would include a record for each host, and then columns consisting of the fields?

0 Karma
1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee
| stats 
    first(field1) as field1 
    first(field2) as field2 
    first(field3) as field3
    sum(field4) as total_amt
  by host

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee
| stats 
    first(field1) as field1 
    first(field2) as field2 
    first(field3) as field3
    sum(field4) as total_amt
  by host
0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

sourcetype=puppet-facts | dedup host | table *

0 Karma


This works out nicely if I have a small amount of fields to create the table as I described. Do you know of a way to do the same thing for all fields? Other than just hardcoding it into the searchstring?

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Let's assume you have multiple fields values in your "puppet-facts" including duration and status. To chart any of these in combination with host, you could do the following search:

sourcetype="puppet-facts" | dedup host | chart count by host,duration,status

The above search uses the chart command to create a listing of the vent count with the host, duration, and status fields.

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