I have a query that must search 9 weeks of data, and then applies a filter against a single field (dv_opened_at) looking for specific events that occurred within an 8 week period. Initial 9 week search is necessary to catch events that were modified after the end of the last week, yet had a dv_modified_at time within the last 8 weeks.
index=cmdb (dv_number=* OR number=*) dv_state=* dv_assigned_to[| inputlookup cmdb_users.csv| table dv_assigned_to ] earliest=-8w@w latest=now()
| table _time number dv_number dv_opened_at dv_assigned_to dv_short_description dv_watch_list dv_sys_updated_on dv_state close_notes | dedup number
| eval dv_opened_at=strptime(dv_opened_at,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| where dv_opened_at>=relative_time(now(), "-8w@w") AND dv_opened_at<=relative_time(now(), "@w")
| eval _time=dv_opened_at
| bin _time span=1w
| eval weeknumber=strftime(_time,"%U")
| rename dv_assigned_to AS Analyst
| timechart limit=0 useother=false span=1w count BY Analyst
The problem is, the timechart outputs 9 weeks of data, and as expected the last week is all 0's. How do I eliminate the current week from the output, but keep the current week in the initial query?
_time Analyst1 Analyst2 Analyst3 Analyst4
2022-05-08 19 6 0 0
2022-05-15 5 4 0 0
2022-05-22 8 2 0 1
2022-05-29 7 4 0 0
2022-06-05 1 3 1 39
2022-06-12 7 1 4 51
2022-06-19 3 2 0 59
2022-06-26 25 5 2 26
2022-07-03 0 0 0 0 #how to drop this row each weekly report
timechart uses earliest and latest to determine what time range to use - update these on your search line to snap to the beginning of the week
... earliest=-8w@w latest=@w
cannot do this since doing so would eliminate the present week in the query. Weird, but I need the present week in the query, but not in the output.
| where _time < relative_time(now(),"@w")
Exactly. This is what I was looking for. Tried other variations but could not make it work. Yours did. Thanks
Just filter out the empty row. Something like
| where _time <now()-7*86400