Splunk Search

How to write the regex for field extraction or rex of a username in my sample data?



I have been banging my head against the wall most of the morning on this. I am trying to create a field extraction or runtime rex to pull out the username from this raw text:

Jan 22 19:48:00 %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 152169465 for outside: to outside: duration 0:02:03 bytes 150 (mickey_mouse)

obviously the username is mickey mouse in my example - but I cannot extract without the parentheses and can't get rex going at all.

Can someone with more regex knowledge lend me a hand?

Thanks so much,


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1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee
| rex "\((?<username>[\w_]+)\)$"

where [\w_] contains all potential characters used in usernames.

Check out this tool: https://regex101.com/#pcre
It makes testing regular expressions easy

View solution in original post


Maybe something like this, as long as the only parens are the ones around the username?

rex "\((?<username>[^\)]*)\)"
0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee
| rex "\((?<username>[\w_]+)\)$"

where [\w_] contains all potential characters used in usernames.

Check out this tool: https://regex101.com/#pcre
It makes testing regular expressions easy


Just so I fully understand, \w will match letters and numbers? the following underscore necessitates and underscore the the + says keep going but what part of this excludes the opening and closing parentheses?


BTW, this worked!

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

The \w metacharacter is used to find a word character. A word character is a character from a-z, A-Z, 0-9, including the _ (underscore) character.

So actually, adding the underscore was redundant. Basically anything in the brackets [ ] is the set of symbols allowed. The plus says one or more.

When we put a backslash before the first parenthesis, we tell the regex engine to treat the parenthesis as a literal parenthesis. It is called 'escaping' the character. So if you wanted to match a literal plus, you'd need type \+, otherwise it will be interpreted as a metacharacter.

So in the beginning, we say \( for the first parenthesis, a literal
Then we open a capture group with parenthesis and name the field (? username
Specify our possible letters with [\w]
Specify we want more than 0 with +
Close the capture group with the parenthesis )
Then we once again say we want to match (not capture) a literal parenthesis with \)
Lastly, we say it needs to be at the very end of the line with a $

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