@Log_wrangler, the regular Expression that you need is ^((?!0)(\d{1,5}))$
. It will not match if the Account_ID start with 0 or if the length of Account_ID is > 5 or any non-numeric character is present in the Account_ID.
Following is a run anywhere example with some sample data to test:
| makeresults
| eval Account_ID="87347,123,1,0,848/'A$,993884,000,0123,949A4,48A4"
| makemv Account_ID delim=","
| mvexpand Account_ID
| eval validation_result= if(match(Account_ID,"^((?!0)(\d{1,5}))$"),"good","bad")
If you want to understand how this Regular Expression works try out on regex101
(link attached): https://regex101.com/r/f0QOAB/1
@Log_wrangler, the regular Expression that you need is ^((?!0)(\d{1,5}))$
. It will not match if the Account_ID start with 0 or if the length of Account_ID is > 5 or any non-numeric character is present in the Account_ID.
Following is a run anywhere example with some sample data to test:
| makeresults
| eval Account_ID="87347,123,1,0,848/'A$,993884,000,0123,949A4,48A4"
| makemv Account_ID delim=","
| mvexpand Account_ID
| eval validation_result= if(match(Account_ID,"^((?!0)(\d{1,5}))$"),"good","bad")
If you want to understand how this Regular Expression works try out on regex101
(link attached): https://regex101.com/r/f0QOAB/1
Try like this
...| eval YourFieldName=if(match(fieldToMatch,"^(\d{5})$") AND NOT match(fieldToMatch,"^0\d{4}"),"good", "bad")
thank you for the reply, I like the way you wrote this in parts, fyi I changed this "^(\d{1,5})$")
and this "^0\d{1,4}"
but I still need to eval any account_id starting with 0 as bad including if its only one digit.
Thank you