please help me to use subsearch,
I have a main search query like
index=A host=B cs_method="GET" cst="XXX" | where isnull(ksid) and isnotnull(i_p) | stats c(_raw) by i_p
result of above query is
i_p c(_raw)
CD 3
CW2 1
ABC12 7
XYZ31 34
jjjwwgga 39
ngrisoew 40
rtucw 43
Poeyt 15
meaning of the above output is, the above i_p s are not using secuirty check for some ids (each i_p is having their respective number of ids which is not using security check for example i_p of ABC12 for this i_p 7 IDs are not using security check)
I want to take the above i_p and check how many are using securitycheck and how many are not using security check
my output will be like
CD 3 123fgs No 2
1456mk No 1
674hjn Yes 1
453bcd Yes 1
CW2 1
ABC12 7
XYZ31 34
jjjwwgga 39
ngrisoew 40
rtucw 43
Poeyt 15
means i-p of CD have total 5 sessiosons in that 3 sessions not used securitycheck and 2 used security check
I tired the below query but its not showing the output how i am expected
index=A host=B cs_method="GET" cst="XXX" [search index=A host=B cs_method="GET" cst="XXX" | where isnull(ksid) and isnotnull(i_p) | stats c(_raw) by i_p|table i_p] | eval Usingsecu=if(match(csq, "ksid"), "Yes", "No") | stats count(i_p) as PCount by i_p id Usingsecu |table i_p PCount s Usingsecu
I got output like
CD 2 123fgs No 2
CD 1 1456mk No 1
CD 1 674hjn Yes 1
CD 1 453bcd Yes 1
CW2 1
ABC12 7
XYZ31 34
jjjwwgga 39
ngrisoew 40
rtucw 43
Poeyt 15
Pl can anyone help me in this
Thanks & Regards
Hi Patrick,
here is the query which I used
index=iis sourcetype=iis host=ABC cs_method="GET" cs_uri_stem="*mriweb.dll*" i_project!="sample"
| where isnull(ksid) and isnotnull(i_p)
| eval UsingSecu=if(match(csq, "ksid"), "Yes", "No")
Hi Patrick,
here is the query which I used
index=iis sourcetype=iis host=ABC cs_method="GET" cs_uri_stem="*mriweb.dll*" i_project!="sample"
| where isnull(ksid) and isnotnull(i_p)
| eval UsingSecu=if(match(csq, "ksid"), "Yes", "No")
I'm also interested in the answer to this
markthompson, can you give me an example of the data you have and what you want to get out and I can try to answer your question?
Hi cchitten,
We have 2 different events, listed below;
name=com.**************** value=5
name=threshold.max.com*********** value=200
which are transactioned together, but using that we want to use a subsearch in order to get the threshold max out of that transactioned event and set into a field called Max.
Also, Its something completely new to me so would be useful if you know how for v6.0.5
So you want:
Threshold Value
- 5
Max 200
In that case I dont think you want to use subsearch. I think you want rex such as:
| rex field=_raw "threshold.(?.*)."
This should extract the field you want.
Yeh we have found this solution now, thanks Cchitten, but I was also wondering how you use subsearches in 6.0.5
sorry for delay response, I have done this query which I asked using splunk documentation. Now i am getting results what I expected
Thank you
Hi @Laya123
Can you please post your final search that actually solved your issue? Otherwise, this post is just going to float on Answers forever without a real solution. Thanks!
Can you write a simpler example? With less "sdfsdfas4235q235" and more "a1,a2,b1,b2,etc".