Hi ,
COSE#1017 Associated kernel not found. Please see Enterprise Server log for details: SocID:19041 PID:13695 BSFN:CustomShipConfirmWrapper user:AIAINBND
I want to create that highlighted term as a new event field. It may vary in length in following events. Could anyone help me?
Hi Abilan1,
try something like this, which is based on your provided example:
your base search here | rex "\sBSFN:(?<myField>[^\s]*)" | table myField
cheers, MuS
If BSFN is a constant, which it appears to be, something as simple as
... | rex "BSFN:(?<GiveMeAName>\w+)"
That says
Match the string "BSFN:" (including the colon)
Then extract a field named "GiveMeAName"
Which consists of one or more "word" type characters (letters)
And finally close off this extraction.
Thank You rich!!! it worked
Hi Abilan1,
try something like this, which is based on your provided example:
your base search here | rex "\sBSFN:(?<myField>[^\s]*)" | table myField
cheers, MuS
Thank You MuS!!