I have an index that contains two fields, sig_names and sig_ids, that can contain multiple values for each. I'd like to separate out the values to get a count for each.
Right now I do a generic stats count search of:
| stats count by sig_names,sig_ids
| sort -count
and the results are as follows:
sig_names sig_ids count
foo1, foo2 1,2 18
foo6, foo8 6,8 16
foo4, foo3 4,3 4
Is it possible to separate the values out to get a count for each as such:
sig_names sig_ids count
foo1 1 18
foo2 2 18
foo6 6 16
foo8 8 8
foo4 4 4
foo3 3 4
I doesn't look like the fields sig_names are multivalued fields already. Try something like this
| makemv sig_names delim="," | makemv sig_ids delim=","
| eval temp=mvzip(sig_names, sig_ids,"###")
| stats count by temp
| rex field=temp "(?<sig_names>.+)###(?<sig_ids>.+)
| table sig_names sig_ids count
I had somewhat of a similar question over here: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/623015/question-involving-breaking-out-multiple-multivalu.html
Maybe that answer can help you split out the fields before you count them.
Thx for the link as that info and answer is very helpful as well
I doesn't look like the fields sig_names are multivalued fields already. Try something like this
| makemv sig_names delim="," | makemv sig_ids delim=","
| eval temp=mvzip(sig_names, sig_ids,"###")
| stats count by temp
| rex field=temp "(?<sig_names>.+)###(?<sig_ids>.+)
| table sig_names sig_ids count
Thx - worked perfectly