Splunk Search

How to use foreach with search filter?


Hi All,

I have a requirement to use foreach with search filter.

Example fileds 192345_Employeestatus,207754_Employeestatus,158345_Employeestatus


| foreach *_Employeestatus [search <<MATCHSTR>>_Employeestatus='<<FIELD>>'
(('<<FIELD>>'="") OR ('<<FIELD>>'="new") OR ('<<FIELD>>'="Working") OR ('<<FIELD>>'="exit")
OR ('<<FIELD>>'="IND") OR ('<<FIELD>>'="Aus") OR ('<<FIELD>>'="relocated") OR ('<<FIELD>>'="yettojoin")
OR ('<<FIELD>>'="Manager") OR ('<<FIELD>>'="AsstManager") OR ('<<FIELD>>'="SeniorAss")) ]


But search filter is not filtering the data as expected.
Need your help ..
Thanks in advance..

Learner ...

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Hi Experts,

Do we have solution for above mentioned issue in splunk now?


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The gentimes searches just generate some data. This is repeated in the filter search but this is just to get find all the fields which match *_Employeestatus. These are then transposed so column has all these field names. For each field name, create a mv-field with all the values you want to match on, mvexpand this to create a row for each *_Employeestatus field crossed with each value. Then return a field for each *_Employeestatus field with the value to be searched. This becomes your search filter.

| gentimes start=-1 increment=1h 
| rename starttime as _time 
| fields _time
| eval initial_Employeestatus=mvindex(split("fired,working,exit,,relocated",","),random()%4)
| eval current_Employeestatus=mvindex(split("fired,working,exit,,relocated",","),random()%4)
| eval future_Employeestatus=mvindex(split("fired,working,exit,,relocated",","),random()%4)

| search 
    [| gentimes start=-1 increment=1h 
    | rename starttime as _time 
    | fields _time
    | eval initial_Employeestatus=mvindex(split("fired,working,exit,,relocated",","),random()%4)
    | eval current_Employeestatus=mvindex(split("fired,working,exit,,relocated",","),random()%4)
    | eval future_Employeestatus=mvindex(split("fired,working,exit,,relocated",","),random()%4)
    | stats values(*_Employeestatus) as *_Employeestatus
    | transpose 0
    | eval status=split("exit,,relocated",",")
    | fields column status
    | mvexpand status
    | eval {column}=status
    | fields - column status]
0 Karma

Ultra Champion

| foreach *_Employeestatus [ eval Employeestatus=mvappend(Employeestatus,'<<FIELD>>')]
| streamstats count as session
| mvexpand Employeestatus
| search Employeestatus="" OR Employeestatus="new" OR ....
| stats values(*) as * by session
| fields - Emplyeestatus session

foreach can't use by search filter, I guess.

0 Karma


What problem are you trying to solve?  Where did the requirement to use foreach come from?

Make sure the subsearch makes sense once the variables are substituted.  For example:

search 192345_Employeestatus='192345_Employeestatus'
(('192345_Employeestatus'="") OR ('192345_Employeestatus'="new") OR ('192345_Employeestatus'="Working") OR ('192345_Employeestatus'="exit")
OR ('192345_Employeestatus'="IND") OR ('192345_Employeestatus'="Aus") OR ('192345_Employeestatus'="relocated") OR ('192345_Employeestatus'="yettojoin")
OR ('192345_Employeestatus'="Manager") OR ('192345_Employeestatus'="AsstManager") OR ('192345_Employeestatus'="SeniorAss"))
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma



Thanks for your reply.

Now i have 3 field with prefix values of 192345_Employeestatus,207754_Employeestatus,158345_Employeestatus.
In future we will get some more fileds with XXXXXX_Employeestatus. We dont know wht will be that prefix numbers.
So now while writing query itself. We are looking for the solution to get the fields(192345_Employeestatus,207754_Employeestatus,158345_Employeestatus,XXXXXX_Employeestatus etc) in for loop and check them in search filter.

Im trying to use search filter with same values with different fields in foreach loop.


0 Karma

I'm still wondering if foreach is the right solution to the problem, but don't know what the problem is so can't determine if there's a better answer.
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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